Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Hi I'm back

I have been a little busy lately so sorry for being gone for a bit. I am very new to this BLOG thing and am determined to start sharing and using this more.

One of my goals for this little business that I am trying to grow is blogging and sharing what I do. I am no where near as good as some of the people I follow on Facebook, Twitter and now Instagram but with everything in life practice makes perfect. I have seen so much growth in my craft since I started and I still strive to try new things. I want to share with you how I am growing and get input on things I could do differently or things I do right. I want to push myself and get myself out there. 

What are my DREAMS? 

My dreams for QtCards is to learn, to grow and of course make money. I would love to have one of my cards featured in a card magazine or a rubber stamp company's web page. I would love to someday be on a design team and help inspire people starting out with this hobby/craft. Am I determined to make these things happen..... you bet!

Thank you for joining me on my journey and helping me grow. I will try not to disappoint you. 
